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Error codes

Learn more about error codes and how to resolve them.

SDK functions that return an error include an error code in the type attribute – a unique short string that is a brief explanation of the error. These codes play a role in our recommended error handling techniques.

Below is a list of possible error codes, along with additional information about how to resolve them. For convenience, every Error object links to their to this page in its docs attribute.


Address is invalid. Make sure address is syntax correct. Check error's cause for the underlying error. See address formatting for correct address formatting.


Address is not yet registered. Register address to create a messaging key, then retry operation.


Address format is invalid. Check that the format follows the Mailchain address standard. See address formatting for correct address formatting.


Before sending, the SDK prepares each distributions for the recipients. One or more distributions failed to prepare. Check the error's failures attribute for the failed distributions and corresponding errors.


The operation failure is due to the use of a group address, which is incompatible with the desired operation. The error message will specify the problematic address. Ensure the use of a non-group address and reattempt the operation.


Identity has expired. Check the identity provider settings. Owner of the identity must renew domain to continue using it for messaging.


Identity is not found. Check address exists on supplied identity provider. The identity provider is indicated after the @ symbol.


  • Name service address - check the check name is registered correctly and resolves to a valid protocol address.
  • Token address - check the token identifier exists in the smart contract.


Address is not valid for the identity provider. Check the format of the address before the @ follows the rules of the identity provider.


Identity provider address not supported. Although identity provider is valid and address MAY be valid, Mailchain does not support this address. Check supported addresses.


Identity provider is not supported. The identity provider is indicated after the @ symbol.

  • Check list of supported identity providers.
  • Token address - check the smart contract implements the supported interface.


Failed calling messaging key contract or contract response is invalid. Check your connection, then try again.


Messaging key proof verification failed. The SDK will not use the messaging key for this address.


Failed when performing checks before preparing a mail for sending. Check the error's message attribute for further information on what check failed.


Mailchain only supports certain protocols. Check you are using the latest version of the SDK and the protocol is supported then try again.


The address messaging key is incorrect. Check the sender messaging key matches, the latest entry in the key registry for the from address.


Before preparing a mail to send, the SDK resolves all addresses in the from, to, cc and bcc fields. One or more of these addresses failed to resolve. Check the error's failures attribute for the failed addresses and corresponding errors.


Delivery requests are sent to each recipient in the to, cc and bcc fields. One or more delivery requests failed to send. Check the error's failures attribute for the failed delivery requests and their corresponding errors.


An expected error occurred. Check error's message for more information and cause for the underlying error.