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Resolve address

Mailchain supports addresses on multiple protocols and name services. This guide shows how to resolve an address this checks if the address is supported, valid, and registered.

Mailable addresses​

You can send a message to any supported protocol or name service. Mailchain addresses are fully qualified, they contain the address, protocol/name service and domain. E.g. an Ethereum address looks like this, see address format for more information.

First install the packages needed.

npm install @mailchain/sdk

The code below checks if the address is mailable, that is a mail can be sent to it with Mailchain.

import { resolveAddress } from '@mailchain/sdk/internal';

async function main() {
const address = '';
const { error: resolveAddressError } = await resolveAddress(address);
if (resolveAddressError) {
const { type, message } = resolveAddressError;
console.warn(`ERROR check address - ${address} - ${type} - ${message}`);

console.log(`${address} is reachable.`);


This should give the below output. This means the address is valid and reachable. is reachable.

Registered addresses and optimistic delivery​

Mailchain lets you send a mail to all supported and valid addresses, even if they have not yet registered. This is helpful as new users can still read mails sent to them before they registered.

A ResolvedAddress has two states, registered and vended (not registered). The registered state means a used has registered their address by providing messaging key which will be used for end-to-end encrypted communication. The vended state means the address is not yet registered, and a Mailchain provided messaging key is used for encrypted communication.

There are some situations when it's advisable to check if an address is registered before sending a mail. Examples include:

  • You wish to send a time sensitive mail, and it's not helpful if the user receives the mail at some point in the future.
  • You wish to share secrets or sensitive information. Secrets or sensitive information should only be sent to registered users.

First install the packages needed.

npm install @mailchain/sdk

The code below shows the different states for a resolved address.

import { resolveAddress } from '@mailchain/sdk/internal';

async function main() {
const address = '[email protected]';

const { data: resolvedAddress, error: resolveAddressError } = await resolveAddress(address);
if (resolveAddressError) {
const { type, message } = resolveAddressError;
console.warn(`ERROR check address - ${address} - ${type} - ${message}`);

if (resolvedAddress.type === 'registered') {
// Secrets or sensitive information should only be sent to registered users.
console.log(`${address} registered`);
} else if (resolvedAddress.type === 'vended') {
console.log(`${address} not yet registered - still possible to send mail`);

Secrets or sensitive information should only be sent to registered users.