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Addresses formatting

Fully Qualified Mailchain Addresses​

Mailchain addressing provides broad support for known address schemes, including Mailchain accounts and identities, blockchain protocol addresses, Web3 names, and traditional email. The format is based on the RFC5322 Addr-Spec Specification to ensure maximum compatibility with other programs and future-proof support for potential address schemes (‘local-part’@’domain-part’).

Please refer to the table below for definition and examples:

Mailchain<username>[email protected]
[email protected]
Namservices (generic)<addressPart>.<nsDomain>@<nsName>[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
arb & bnb (SPACE ID)<addressPart>.<spaceIdDomain>[email protected]
[email protected]
Aurora<addressPart>[email protected][email protected]
Binance Smart Chain<address>
Coinbase ID<coinbaseProfile>[email protected][email protected]
ENS<ensDomain>[email protected]
[1] Resolvable DNSSEC ENS names are supported.
[2] ENS subdomains are supported.
[email protected]
Freename<addressPart>.<freenameDomain>[email protected]
Lens<lensHandle>[email protected][email protected]
Solana Domains<addressPart>[email protected][email protected]
Tezos<address>[email protected]
Tezos Domains<addressPart>[email protected][email protected]
Unstoppable<addressPart>.<unstoppableDomain>[email protected]
[email protected]
Avvy<addressPart>[email protected][email protected]
Idriss<addressPart>[email protected]
<addressPart>[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Shorthand Addresses​

Each name service may support a shorthand address format (e.g. alice.eth for ENS, alice.lens for Lens, alice.near for NEAR, etc.). Please see Registering Wallets & Identities FAQs for specific details for shorthand addresses.